Friday, 12 October 2012

Analysing Horror Trailers- Sinister

Analysing Horror Trailers
Sinister (2012)
As with most trailers, it starts with the green screen which states the legal terms, and how the producers of the trailer choose to make it appropriate for all audiences, so that it can be played within adverts throughout the       whole day, rather than just after the watershed of 9pm. This will increase the amount of people viewing the trailer, which may increase the amount of viewers that go to the cinema to see it, therefore increasing profits.
The First shot of the trailer is an establishing shot of a dark, isolated, large house in the mist. This goes against a traditional horror trailer convention, as although it is an establishing shot, the trailer usually starts normal, and care free. However with this shot, the audience can already tell that the trailer is for a horror film. It then quickly cuts to a symbol, which looks like it has been drawn with blood. This may make the audience jump, but then wonder what that symbol was, and what significance it has. The opening 15 seconds of the trailer go against the traditional calm and relaxed start. Instead, it describes the murder of a family and how they “were found earlier this week”. However, the isolated house with a scary past fits the convention of the certain type of location that is expected to see when watching a horror trailer.
It then cuts to the same house, in broad daylight, with a new family moving into it. This is typical of a horror trailer, an unsuspecting family moving into a new home which happens to be large and isolated from other houses. There is a voice over the trailer for the next part, explaining why they moved to the new house, which could again be classed as typical. The main character is established as the father, who chose to move into the new house as ‘the new story [he] is writing is here’. This follows the main conventions of a horror trailer, as the main character, usually male is established as the possible hero towards the end of the film.
The music then starts to build, causing the intensity to escalate. This is typical of a horror trailer, with the main character going up into the loft (a typically ‘scary’ and isolated part of the house) and finds old video recordings of the previous family. The music continues to build as he watches the video, until it suddenly briefly cuts to the same symbol that was seen at the start, followed by the family, all hung from a tree. The voice over and dialogue take over each other as the trailer progresses, as the main character tries to restore equilibrium. There is a faint note of music playing in the background, before the trailer jumps to another point in the film where a car is on fire. The music suddenly plays loudly with sharp notes. This is part of the convention of the narrative structure of a horror film, the ‘calm before the storm’. This scene is clearly the identification of the main event of the film: finding out why the family died.
The main character then manages to recognise the symbol shown to the audience throughout the trailer as the only link between the cases. This tells the audience that the symbol is significantly important in the film. The villain is then established through this symbol, as the main character seeks the help of an expert and finds out who ‘Bagul’ is. The establishment of the villain is quite late in this trailer, which goes against the typical codes and conventions of a horror trailer, which is establishing both the hero and villain are established early.
The expert of ‘Bagul’ then links him to religion by describing what “early Christians” believe. This is also typical of a horror trailer, as most supernatural horrors involve the main character seeking help from a priest, or how the villain is linked to religion, as shown in this trailer. The victim is then established, and as is characteristic of a horror trailer, is a young girl, which happens to be the main character’s daughter. Young girls are usually chosen to be the victim because the audience sympathises more with them, due to their vulnerability. This makes the audience more scared and engaged in the film, meaning that they may recommend it to others, making the company more profit. A second victim is established as the main character’s other child, his young son.
After the ‘we need to leave this house’ conversation between the mother and father, which is present in most horror films, the pace of the music increases. With the music, there are more shots in a shorter space of time, which creates a tense and uneasy atmosphere for the audience. There are lots of screams, shouts and scared expressions over the next few shots, which is also characteristic of a horror trailer. The music turns into a heartbeat-style beat. The heartbeat increases until the typical ‘big finish’ which is a code and convention of a typical horror trailer. The ‘big finish’ in this trailer involves a group of face-painted ‘scary-looking’ children who are looking at the camera and telling them to ‘shush’. There is a video of ‘Bagul’ playing in the background. Next, unexpectedly, in the room, ‘Bagul’ jumps out and puts his face in the camera for a split second. This could be seen as an attempt to terrify the audience, and make them subconsciously believe that ‘Bagul’ will come into their life and get them.
The trailer ends with a final advertisement of the film again, starting with the title ‘Sinister’, reminding the audience of the name of the film, which may increase the amount of viewers that go to see the film at the cinema, which increases profit for the film company. They then give the audience a website to get more information on the film, before finally saying that it is ‘coming soon’. They don’t tell the audience a date, which may cause more people to look further into the film to find out when it comes out, so more people will go to see it, after looking further into it.

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